We measure building performance using different tools, from sensors over audits to comfort surveys.
Our services related to measuring building performance include:
Focus audits
We perform audits in your building, either globally or focused on one or more aspects, like HVAC, lighting, ICT, logistics and transport
Energy monitoring
We support EnergieID in the development of an easy-to-use and affordable energy monitoring tool. Join our EnergieID group and learn how to get started. For more detailed analyses, we use eSight.
We firmly believe that the building users are the best measuring ‘instruments’. Comfortmeter is a tool that empowers the building users to express their (dis)satisfaction with the indoor environment in a building.
We use temperature, CO2 and RH loggers to measure the environmental conditions over longer periods as well as for measurement campaigns in boiler rooms or HVAC equipment.
NEN2767 based condition assessment
This Dutch standard is allows standardized assessment of the Condition of building and installation components. It is often used for performance based maintenance.
Performance Test Bench
The power Test Bench is a tool for the specification and automated validation of Building management system functions.
The International Performance Measurement and Verification Protocol is a standard guideline for the measurement and verification of energy and water saving projects. Our team has several “Certified Measurement and Verification Professionals” (CMVP) in her ranks. Read more about it here:

Project reference
Energy scans for the Flemish Energy Company
Energy Performance diagnosing in healthcare
Factor4 supports the Flemish Energy Company in carrying out energy performance diagnoses tailored to each building in the Flemish healthcare sector. These scans will result in an action plan with measures that pay for themselves within five years.
In just a few weeks, 50 buildings were scanned.

Project reference
Development of quality certification frameworks for Energy Efficiency services.
The QualitEE-project aims to scale up investment in building energy efficiency by establishing quality certification frameworks for energy efficiency services across Europe, which do not exist currently. Quality certification frameworks from other sectors are constituted by the following elements; specification of standardised quality criteria, institutionalisation of the quality assurance process,and active promotion schemes.
Get in touch
Geoffrey Jeanty
+32 477 705 996
Lange Winkelhaakstraat 26
BE 2060 Antwerpen